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You need to put all the variables on one side. Do this by adding or subtracting them.

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Q: If n is a positive integer and x exponent n equal y exponent n does x equal y?
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If the coefficient of the expression axn is a fraction and the exponent is positive will the expression be a polynomial?

Not necessarily. Every exponent in the exponent must be a non-negative integer. This is not what you have specified. For example, if n = 3.5, it is not a term in a polynomial expression.

What is a number that can be written using an exponent called?

The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).

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Let's use N to represent any number.N x N = NN x -N = -N-N x -N = NSo the rules are:A positive integer times a positive integer will be a positive integerA positive integer times a negative integer will be a negative integerA negative integer times a negative integer will be a positive integer.

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No, there is not. Given any positive integer n, n+1 is also a positive integer and it is larger.

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What is a benson rectangular number?

a positive integer A that, if increased or decreased by the same positive integer B, yields 2 positive integers, A+B and A-B, that are both perfect squares" OK... i figured out kinda what it meant... i think the integer B is equal to A-1, like the rectangular number definition: n(n-1)

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given any positive integer n and any integer a , if we divide a by n, we get an integer quotient q and an integer remainder r that obey the following relationship where [x] is the largest integer less than or equal to x

What is a number that can be written using exponents is called a?

The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).

What is the least positive integer n such that 1560 divides n?

1,560 is.

What is a rectangular number 93 120 301?

A rectangular number is any number greater than or equal to 2, that is the product of an positive integer n multiplied by the integer that comes before it. So 2x1 for example or 5x4 or 10x111. If you look at the number 93120301=n(n+1), this number is rectangular if n^2+n-93120301=0 has a solution that is a positive integer. There is no integer solution so that number is not rectangular. How about 93? n^2+n-93=0 also has no solution in the natural numbers.

What is the difference of a positive integer n and twice its absolute value?

Since n is positive, |n| = n, so you have 2n - n = n. The difference is n.