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Q: If piece of rope is wound around a cylinder pipe 18 times. if the diameter of the pipe is 600 mm how long is the rope?
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What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the height is double and the diameter of the base is not changed?

It doubles The volume of a cylinder height times diameter squared times 3.14

How do you find the diameter of a cylinder from the area of the base?

The area of the base of a cylinder = Pi times Radius squared. Diameter of a cylinder = 2 times Pi times Radius. To find the diameter derive the area of the base by Pi and then square root the answer. That will give you the value of the radius. Multiply that answer by 2 times Pi and you will have your answer.

How many times will a cone fit into a cylinder when they are the same diameter and height?

3 times

How do you find the surface area of a cylinder when given the diameter?

half the diameter and then get the radius times pi and square it

If you know the diameter of a cylinder how do you find the volume and height?

height has to be given. or volume. volume of a cylinder is v = (pi r ^2) h or diameter times height.

What is the lateral area of a cylinder whose diameter is 4 cm and whose height is three times the radius?

The lateral area of a cylinder whose diameter is 4cm and whose height is three times the radius equals approximately 75.4cm2

How many times can the diameter go around the circumference?

A circle's circumference is the product of Pi and its diameter, so a diameter can go around a circumference approximately 3.14 times.

What is the volume of a cylinder with a diameter of 3.75 and a length of 120?

The formula to work it out is: The diameter times Pi times height (or length in this case). Therefore it's 3.75 x 3.14 x 120 = 1413

What is a pie in mathematics?

pi in mathematics is used to determine the circumference of a circle. if you take a piece of string the length of the diameter of the cicle it would go around the circle 3.14159265358978 times (pi).

How many times greater is the volume of a cylinder if you double the radius?

i think its the same since the radius is half the diameter.

What is the volume in liters of a cylinder 5 meters in diameter and 1.4 meters tall?

The volume of any cylinder is pi times the radius squared times the height. For your cylinder, the volume is 27.4889 cubic meters. There are 1,000 liters in a cubic meter, so you'll have 27,488.9 liters in that cylinder.

How many times larger is Betelgeuse in terms of diameter than Rigel?

Betelgeuse is approximately 1.4 times larger in terms of diameter than Rigel.