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Diameter, the line that dissects the circle exactly in half.

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Q: If r equals radius then what does d equal?
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What is the relationship between the radius of a circle and it's diameter?

Radius(r) is equal to 1/2 the diameter(d) d=2r or r=1/2d

What is a real world example of the circumference of a circle?

It is equal to 2 r or D, where r= radius and D = diameter of the circle.

What is the radius of a circle with diameter of 8inches?

The radius of a circle with diameter or 8 inches is 4 inches. The diameter equals 2 times the radius or d=2*r. --> 8 in = 2*r so, r = 4 in

What is the length of the radius to the length of the diameter?

Diameter divided by 2 equals radius r=d/2 For example, if the radius was 3.5, the diameter would be 7.

Curcunference equal to 3.14 times 2 What is the radius equql whats the area around the whole circle?

C=2Pi(r) 2*3.14 (which is pi) = 2*3.14 x r Radius would equal one unit. if the radius equals one, the Area equals pi (~3.14) units squared

How to solve radius of a circle when it's in decimals?

r = d * 0.5, r = C / (2 * 3.14), r = √(A / 3.14) The radius of a circle when the diameter is known: d = 2 * r d is the diameter of the circle r is the radius of the circle r = d / 2 = d * 0.5 The radius of a circle when the circumference is known: C=2Ο€r C is the circumference of the circle Ο€ is a constant approximately equal to 3.14 r = C / (2 * Ο€) = C / (2 * 3.14) The radius of a circle when the area is known: A=Ο€(r)^2 A is the area of the circle r = √(A / Ο€) = √(A / 3.14)

What is the circumference of a circle and how do you find it?

The circumference of a circle is its perimeter, or the distance around it. It equals 2(pi)r or pi*d, where r is the radius, d is the diameter and pi is 3.14...

What is the formula for the radius of a cylinder?

rc = d/2Radius equals diameter divided by 2.In a right circular cylinder there are 2 circles - one of the base and one on the top of the cylinder. If we are going to get the radius of one of them, it will be equal to one-half the measure of the diameter of the whole circle, or r = d/2.

What is the radius of r equals 5 miles?

If 'r' is the radius, then the radius is 5 miles.If 'r' is not the radius, then there's not enough information givenwith which to answer the question.

Do you find a circumference by using the diameter or radius?

you do this:rxrx3.14 in words radius times radius times 3.14 first times the radius by itself then multiply * * * * * The formula given in the above answer is for the area of a circle, not its circumference! Circumference = 2*pi*r or pi*d where r is the radius, d = 2*r is the diameter and pi is the irrational number which is approximately equal to 3.14159.

What is radius formula?

Radius, "R" = D/2 where D=Diameter.

Was is the equation for the radius given diameter?

The radius of a circle is equal to 1/2 of it's diameter. radius is one half of the diameter. Therefore ; r = (1/2) D