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Luckily got it on my last try it was apparently 65.39%

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Q: If radioactive radium has a half life of approximately 1599 years What percent of a given amount remains after 980 years?
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After three half-lives what fraction of a radioactive sample remains?

1/8 of the original amount remains.

Does The amount of radioactive carbon in your body increases at the time of death?

No, the amount of radioactive carbon in your body does not increase at the time of death. Radioactive carbon in the body remains constant and decays at a predictable rate over time.

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Half-Life APEX (; xoxo

What kinetics does radioactive decay obey?

Radioactive decay follows first-order kinetics, meaning the rate of decay is proportional to the amount of radioactive material present. This means that half-life remains constant throughout the decay process.

After three half-lives what percent of the radioactive isotope is remaining?

After three half-lives, 12.5% of the radioactive isotope is remaining. This is because each half-life reduces the amount of radioactive material by half.

Why After three half-lives what fraction of a radioactive sample remains?

After three half-lives, only 1/8 (or 12.5%) of the original radioactive sample remains. This is because each half-life reduces the amount of radioactive material by half, so after three half-lives, you would have (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8 of the original sample remaining.

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Approximately 0.36 of the total amount in the container.

How much of a radioactive substance remains after 10 hours if its half life is 5 hours?

After 10 hours, 25% of the radioactive substance remains because each half-life reduces the amount by half. So, after the first 5 hours, 50% remains, and after the next 5 hours, half of that amount remains, which is 25%.

What radioactive isotope would be best for determining the age of prehistoric human remains?

Carbon-14 is the best radioactive isotope for dating prehistoric human remains because it decays at a relatively slow, but measurable rate. By measuring the amount of carbon-14 left in the remains, scientists can estimate the age of the sample.

Why must radioactive decay must be constant in order for radioactive dating to be accurate?

Amount of certain radioactive isotope in an object is compared with a reference amount. this ratio can then be used amount.

How can half lives be shortened?

Half life of an element can't be changed.. It is a characteristic of a radioactive element which is independent of chemical and physical conditions.. Half life is that time in which half of radioactive sample( i.e., a radioactive element) decomposes. So no matter what amount you take half life of an element remains same.