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Q: If selling prices sales mix and cost structure remain the same do profits and sales increase using variable costing?
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When other factors are constant what is the effect on profits of an increase in fixed costs Of a decrease in variable costs?

From the perspective of the income statement and profits, there is no difference between bucketing costs in variable or bucketing them in fixed. The operating profit line of the income statement takes both costs into account so that an increase in one with an offsetting decrease in another will have zero impact to profits. Issue related to bucketing of certain items are normally internal discussions for a business and relate to various scorecards or metrics of interdepartmental performance. In most businesses there are separate mgrs and depts responsible for variable cost and fixed costs so the debate over where to bucket certain items is driven by whose scorecard they fall onto and ideally costs should be bucketed internally onto the scorecard of the mgr/dept with the greatest ability to influence those costs.

If SmartShop's profits have been growing at 5 percent per year This year their profits were approximately 500000 What were their profits last year?

SmartShop's profits have been growing at 5% per year. This year their profits were approximately $500,000. What were their profits last year?

If profits have been growing at 5 percent per year and this year profits are 500000 what was profits last year?


Smart Shops profits have been growing at 5 percent per year This year their profits were approximately 500000 What were their profits last year?

Which one is the correct answer? $490,000

What are complementary investments?

Complementary investments are investments which raise any potential profits from the use of a new technology. An increase of any investment A leads to an increase in productivity of investment B. Take the Hoover dam as an example, not only was the dam built for technical/environmental reasons ( investments A ), when completed it was a large tourist attraction which people wanted to come visit ( investment B)

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an increase of corporate profits

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to increase profits

What is balance sheet restructuring?

Balance sheet restructuring is the term used when a company reorganizes its structure to increase profits or to become more organized in its business practices. It may reorganize the ownership structure, the legal structure, or any one of a number of current practices that affect the bottom line.

Advantages of capital from profits?

Amazon is a world full of profits, the most important thing is how to increase your profits, so I will introduce you to a tool that will double your profits for you to know more :

How would you explain a large increase in dividends?

A large dividend increase typically signals a significant increase in profits.

Why is kesari dal used as an adulterant in dals?

To increase profits

How are products differentals is used to try to increase profits?

Products differentials are used to try to increase profits in different ways. This is a strategy that is known as diversification whereby a supplier offers varied products to consumers which increases the chances of making sales and eventually profits.

What should I do to increase my businesses working capital?

Sell unwanted assests. You can try to increase your net profits.

How can you get people for networking event?

You can get people there by giving out the benefits and show them that you really care. With this you can increase profits, increase referrals, and increase presence.

Why does the average variable cost curve initially slope downward?

The average variable cost curve compares the company's maximum performance to its present state. For example if the minimum profits are to the left of the AC it means the company will decrease profits by increasing their production. Therefore creating a curve.