If they have already turned 19 this year (2010) they were born in 1991, if they will be 20 sometime this year they were born in 1990.
If you are 19 now then you were born in 1990
At the time of answering, they would be 19. They would celebrate their 20th birthday this year (2013)
If someone is turning 32 in the year 2010, they were born in 1978.
If you are 19, then you were born in 1990.
If you are 19 now then you were born in 1990
As of November 2011, someone born in January 2010 would be one year old.
If you turned 19 in 2013, you were born in 1994.
As today is the 1st January 2010 and you are 19 years old you were born in the year 1990.
In 2010 you would have to be born in 1991 to be 19.
At the time of answering, they would be 19. They would celebrate their 20th birthday this year (2013)
If someone is turning 32 in the year 2010, they were born in 1978.
You were born in 2011 - 19.