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Q: If the CPI for Entertainment in 1970 was 113.4 and 200.6 in 1980 find the inflation rate for Entertainment between 1970 and 1080 Round your answer to the nearest percent?
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The cpi for entertainment in 1970 was 113.4 and 200.6 in 1980 find the inflation rate for entertainment between 1970 and 1980 round to the nearest percent?


If CPI for entertainment in 1970 was 113.4 and 200.6 in 1980 what is the inflation rate between 1970 and 1980 Round to nearest percent?


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24 percent (gp)

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Zimebabwe with an inflation rate of 231 million percent.

How do you write 0.067 as a percent to the nearest percent?

0.67 = 6.7% to the nearest percent is 7%

Write as a 12.5 percent percent Round to the nearest tenth of a percent?

12.5 percent is already round to the nearest tenth of a percent.

What percent for entertainment?

entertainment is approximately 5% of a household budget.

What is 0.06 as the nearest tenth of a percent?

0.06 to the nearest tenth of a percent is 6.0%

What is 3.58 percent rounded to the nearest 125 percent?

3.58 percent (0.0358) rounded to the nearest 125 percent (12,500) is zero.

What is the inflation rate of India August 2010?

Inflation in India has come down to 9.97% in July 2010, when compared to June 2010 and because of RBI's tightening policy in July 2010, inflation is expected to stabilize at 7% in march 2011, expert says, so the inflation in the month of August 2010, should lies between 9-10%.

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