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Q: If the Goalkeeper is challanged when both feet are off the ground is it a foul?
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What is an example sentence with 'has both feet on the ground'?

Jon is a very sensible young man he has both feet on the ground.

Can a soccer goal keeper move up and down his goal for a penalty?

The goalkeeper must have both feet on the line for the penalty kick.

Do you have to serve with both feet off the floor in tennis?

No your feet can be on the ground.

Why you stand you stable when are feet are not together?

When your feet are both on the ground, you are stable because you are balanced on your feet.

How many feet do you need on the ground for it to be ruled a complete pass without being forced out?

Both feet must touch the ground for the pass to be complete. Once both feet touch the ground, the offensive player can be forced out and the play is still complete.

In taking a field hockey penalty stroke where do the goalkeeper's feet have to be before the stroke is taken?

Both of the goalkeeper's feet must be on the goalline (the section of the backline between the goalposts). Ideally, they would be as far forward as possible - only the slightest part of the heel needs to be touching the line and this puts you as close to the ball as you can get.

Minimum Height for a goalkeeper?

i have to say 6 feet tall.

Do both feet come off the ground when humans run?


If goalkeeper holds ball can a player head it from his hands?

A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball when... ...the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) ...holding the ball in the outstretched open hand ...bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air A goalkeeper cannot be challenged for the ball even when in the process of throwing or punting it.

Can you lift either foot off the ground in a throw in?

In a throw in both feet need to stay on the ground. You may get a running start and drag one foot behind you, but both feet need to stay on the ground. If a foot is lifted the throw in will go to the other team.

Does the netball center have to have two feet on the ground in the cicle at the start of the game?

Answer Both feet have to be inside the circle at a centre pass

Can the goalkeeper touch the ball with his hands from a throw-in?

Yes. Both feet must be touching or entirely outside the line. A throw-in is incorrectly performed if one (or both) feet entirely enter the field of play at the moment of release. Note that there are other requirements for a correctly performed throw-in, but this is the only requirement for the feet.