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For this problem the equation you need is s = ut + 1/2ft2, where s = distance travelled, u = initial speed, f = acceleration, and t = time. Assuming the object is stationary before it drops, u = 0. f as you say is 980 cm/sec2, but as the result is going to be large I suggest you work in meters and so f = 9.8 m/sec2. t = 20.

Then s = 1/2 x 9.8 x 202 = 1960 meters.

The velocity v at the end of 20 seconds is given by v2 = 2fs, so v = 196 m/sec

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Q: If the acceleration of gravity G is 980 cm per sec per sec and the time t an object falls under the influence of gravity is 20 seconds the distance fallen h is?
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