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Q: If the area of a circle is 16 pie what is the length of the radius of the circle?
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What is the length of the radius of a circle whose area is 100 pie?

10 units of measurement

What is the Diameter of circle with a area?

the diameter is the length across the circle, the area is pie r squared r is radius, which is half of the diameter

How do you find area of a circle with pie?

The area of a circle is π (Pi) times the Radius squared.

What are the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle?

Area= square the radius and times it by pie

Formula to calculate area?

For a rectangle: length times width For a triangle: length times width divided by two For a circle: pie times radius squared For a rectangular prisim: length times width times height For a sphere: four thirds pie times radius cubed

How do you find a area a circle?

The answer depends on what information you are given.

What is the area of a circle with an radius of 17 feet?

Area of a circle is found by: A = (Pie)(r2) Plug in 17 for 'r'. A = (Pie)(172) A = 907.920277 ft.

How do you find the total area of a space?

it depends upon the shape of the space.if its circle or rectangle or square.for circle ite pie*radius*radius for square its side*side(side of the square) for rectangle its length into breadth. and for general length*breadth. i hope it helped.

How do you findArea of a circle?

well the formula to find the area of a circle is Area=pie x radius squared so if i say calculate the area of a circle with the following measurements giving your answer in terms of pie. Radius=8cm Area=pie x radius squared Area=pie x 8 squared Area= 64 pie cm squared If you do this calculation on your calculator ( pie x 8 squared) you should get the same answer. I hope this helped. If you need anything else veryfying then please ask. :)

How do you get the area of a circle?

the formula for the area of a circle is pi r2 (pie are square). r is the radius. examples: radius of circle is 5. pi 52 = pi 25 = 78.53

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 13.25?

Main Answer: To find out the area of the circle you must square the radius. Here's the answer: I took pie as 3.141592 Area = pie x radius squared A = pie x 13.25 squared --> pie x (13.25 x 13.25) A = 551.5457455 Don't forget to put the units on (e.g. mm, cm, etc) and round to whatever number of decimal places this question asks for. Extra Info: Circumference of a circle = pie x diameter Area of a circle = pie x radius squared C herry pie's d elicious --> C = pie x d A pple pie's r 2 --> A = pie x r2

How are radius and diameter alike and different?

Alike: Their in the formula to find the area of the circle pie times radius squared or pie times diameter divided by 2 Different: In a circle, radius is half of the diameter. Example: If the diameter of a circle is 10. Then the radius would be 5.