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16ft = 2πr π = 3.142 (a constant) -------- r is the radius

16/2π = r

r = 16/6.284

r= 2.54 feet

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Q: If the circumference of a circle is 16 feet what is the radius?
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What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 16 feet?

About 100.53 feet.

What is the approximate circumference of a circle with a radius of 16 feet?

100.53 feet.

If a circle has a circumference of 16 cm then what is the radius of the circle?

If a circle has a circumference of 16 cm then the radius is about: 2.546 cm

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 16 inches?

A circle with a radius of 16 inches has a circumference of 100.53 inches.

What is the radius of a circle with the circumference of 16?

the circumference of any circle is 2PIr or two times PI(3.14) times the radius (in this case, 16). do the math.

How many feet around a 16 foot circle?

Assuming 16 feet is the diameter, the formula for finding the circumference of a circle is C=πd. For example, 3.14 times 16 would give you 50.24 feet of circumference. If 16 feet is the radius, the formula is C=2πr.

What is the radius of a circle with a circumference of 16pi feet?

Circumference = 2*pi*r So 2*pi*r feet = 16*pi feet that is r = 8 feet

What is the circumference of a circle that is 16 feet wide?

The circumference of a 16-foot circle is 50.24 feet.

What is the radius of a circle whose circumference is 16?

radius = 16/(2*pi)

Need help with a math problem you have a circle that is 16 feet in diameter you want to put a border all the way around How many feet of border will you need?

It looks like you just need the circumference of the circle. The formula for the circumference of a circle is pi*diameter, or pi*2*radius (since diameter=2*radius). Thus, the answer will be:pi * 16 = 50.27 feet (approximately)

What is the circumference of a 16 foot circle?

Circumference = 2 x pi x radius, or pi x diameter so 3.14 x 16 is approx 50.25 feet

Circle with a radius of 8 feet equal what?

Circle with a radius of 8 feet equals a circle with a diameter of 16 feet.