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Q: If the correlation between income level and charitable giving is 0.82 the relationship between income and donations to charities is?
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What is the relationship between gross pay and net pay?

Gross pay is the pay you get before any deductions and what you actually get to take away is the net pay. Deduction may include: tax, national insurance (UK), payments on court instruction (eg maintenance if you've been misbehaving), charitable donations from pay, repayment of loans from employer.

What percent of their expenses do the Reeds spend on gifts and donations?


What percentage of donations goes to March Of Dimes?

This is a very good question for anyone who cares how his donation is used! I don't remember the name of the group, but you can probably Google your question and get the information you want.

What are three positives and negatives of cloning?

: 1. Any needs for organ donations or blood donations by regular people are nullified because they can simply clone us and have a perfect match for us every time. 2. Genetics research may reveal new ways of fighting diseases, prolonging human life span. 3. Wars could be fought using clones, almost eliminating any need for "real" humans to suffer. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ way!'s the real Pros and Cons of cloning. Pros: 1. Prolongs human lifespan. 2. Definitely can have clone wars...why not...Lucas had'em 3. Blood donations not needed. 4. Disease a thing of the past 5. Couples can have a deceased child reborn or have children when they cant CONS: 1. WAY OVER POPULATION....face is crowded enough as it is and if everyone lives way past the time that they SHOULD be dying then we will face many hardships. 2. If everyone becomes immune to disease then all it takes is 1 new virus to take everyone out. 3. People would be making genetic copies of themselves to HARVEST for parts!! WTF?!!? Doesn't this sound something like out of the smash hit movie "The Island"?....WAKE UP PEOPLE...This is ETHICALLY BAD and ethics is the "ought" that comes from within....We should clone humans to help people live longer......but we OUGHT not to because it will disrupt the balance of life and death making overpopulation a reality with famine. 4. This is all about natural selection....if you make a clone of a woman and make her give birth to herself, then that is the destruction of the natural human reproduction method and the natural selection that takes place before it! 5.even IF we harvested the clones for parts, if the part we wanted had something GENETICALLY wrong with it then even in a clone it would still be defective In short....I hope that Planet Nibiru comes soon and "resets" the program Earth kinda like the great flood.....then we wont have to deal with clones.

What does title ix do?

title IX, was a fail. it was suggested by some radical feminist, who had the right idea, about gender equility for sports (sports helping with scholarships) so that woman who played sports could also achieve scholarships through sports. but... you know what, im only 14 so im gonna take this quote from this guy from yahoo."Title IX has been miss used.It was supposed to give women's sports an equal opportunity.I take that to mean the same number of scholar athletes, but many interpret that to mean the same amount of money is spent on women and men.What has happened is many schools have dropped men's sports while adding women's sports such as crew and equestrian.Some want football canceled even though that is normally the one sport that makes money and funds the rest of the athletic program.There are schools that have dropped men's sports even though those sports were never a burden to the school, i.e. golf which was completely funded by private donations was dropped so the 6 men lost their scholarships at no savings to the school.I believe women should have an equal opportunity to sports, but not to the extent that men must suffer, especially since these people did not participate in past discrimination."

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If the correlation between income level and charitable giving is 0.82 what is relationship between income and donations to charities?

Strong and positive

What does it mean to have a charitable number?

A charitable number is something that a charity can register for through the IRS. This means that the charity will not have to pay taxes and those who donate to charities can make their donations tax deductible.

Can you deduct the Gifting a 5800 car to a needy family?

No - while it may be a wonderful and charitable thing to do...only donations to qualified charities are deductible.

Does charitable donations have an effect on your taxes?

yes they do. you can deduct charitable donations from the taxes that you are required to pay.

Is donations to charity a selling expense?

Charitable donations would be listed in its own category as "charitable donations". These can be used as deductions for Itemized Taxes.

Why Does claiming charitable donations decrease your tax return?

Charitable donations are exempt from tax - and are not counted in your declaration.

Are donations tax deductible?

Tax deductible donations are those given to non-profit organizations, such as charities, churches, Salvation Army, etc. Donations of property are also tax deductable, as are monetary "gifts". It is important that you have legitimate receipts for your charitable donations to make sure they qualify as deductions on your tax return.

Which tax form is used for recording donations?

Charitable donations are place on Schedule A of form 1040. If the donations are noncash donations, the donation should be placed on form 8283 - Noncash Charitable Contributions.

Do American charities have to have a charity number?

If a charity is registered and has a charity number, it can then issue receipts for the charitable donations which it receives, and those receipts can then be used as the basis for income tax deductions. It is also possible to operate a charitable organization that is not registered, and therefore does not issue receipts, but which still engages in charitable activities.

what are tax deductible?

Tax deductible donations are those given to non-profit organizations, such as charities, churches, Salvation Army, etc. Donations of property are also tax deductable, as are monetary "gifts". It is important that you have legitimate receipts for your charitable donations to make sure they qualify as deductions on your tax return.

What is the limit for charitable donations?

There is no limit.

What are the names of some charities that accept car donations?

Charities that accept vehicles for donations include Helping Hands and Goodwill. The DonateCarsUSA and CarDonationWizard have lists of charities that accept cars and trucks for donation. The Car Auto Donations section of the BBB /Better Business Bureau has a list of confirmed charities that accept auto donations.