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Q: If the cuticle were removed from an apple while leaving the skin intact the apple would?
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What would happen if If you removed the cuticle from the skin of an apple?

Removing the cuticle from an apple would expose the flesh of the apple directly to external factors like air and bacteria, making it more susceptible to decay and spoilage. The cuticle acts as a protective layer that helps retain moisture and inhibit microbial growth, so without it, the apple may spoil faster.

What happens when you remove the cuticle from the skin of an apple?

i dont know really

How can you make a apple turn brown?

by leaving it out for a while

How does cutin on an apple suit its function?

The cutin on the apple suits its function because it induces water conservation and also acts as an infectional prevention. Thus, the apple remains intact in terms of moist and taste.

Is apple bad?

Apple is a company. And a very good one at that, it is far from bad and it is intact the best company in the world because it makes the best technoledgy ever in a cult sense.

What do you call seeds of an apple?

A seeded apple is an apple with the seeds removed. It also means pomegranate coming from the latin words, ponum (apple) and granatum (seeded).

If the Adams apple was removed what would happen?

It can damage your voice.

How do apple trees reproduce asexually?

When the apple has grown, an animal (or human) will eat it. And if it is not a human it will eat the whole thing so that the apple and the seed will enter the digestive system of that animal, the fruit will digest, leaving the seed to be left and then the animal will have a poo somewhere else leaving the seed growing into another apple tree

Why did apple take flappy bird of the app store?

The inventor had it removed.

Can you get your Adams apple removed?

no that can be life threatening no surgeon would do it as it can kill you

Where can I get Apple education without leaving my office?

Apple actually has their own educational resources for customers to gain more information from. I would visit their Apple educational website to learn more.

In a visit of charity what does Marian retrieve from under the Bush after leaving the nursing home?

Her apple