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It will touch it once.

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Q: If the discriminant is zero the graph of a quadric function will cross or touch the x axis how many times?
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If the discriminant is zero the graph for a quadric function will cross or touch the x axis how many times?

Once and the roots are said to be equal.

When the discriminant is negative will the graph of the function cross or touch?

The graph will cross the y-axis once but will not cross or touch the x-axis.

If the discriminant is negative the graph of a quadratic function will cross or touch the x-axis time s?

If the discriminant is negative, the equation has no real solution - in the graph, the parabola won't cross the x-axis.

How many times will the graph of a quadratic function cross or touch the x axis if the discriminant is zero?


How many times will the graph of a quadratic function cross or touch the x-axis if the discriminant is positive?

It will cross the x-axis twice.

If the discriminant is zero the graph of a quadratic function will cross or touch the x-axis time s?

It will touch the x-axis and not cross it.

If the discriminant is zero the graph of a Quadratic function will cross or touch the x-axis time(s)?

It will touch the x-axis once.

If the discriminant is negative the graph of the quadratic function will cross or touch the x-axis how many times?

It would not touch or intersect the x-axis at all.

The graph of a certain quadratic function does not cross the x-axis Which of the following are possible values for the discriminant Check all that apply?

-1 -18 -25 -7

Given the function below what is the value of the discriminant and how many times does the graph of this function intersect or touch the x-axis?

Discriminant = 116; Graph crosses the x-axis two times

How many times will the graph of a quadratic function cross or touch the x-axis if the discriminant is zero?

It will touch it at exactly 1 point. If a quadratic function is given as f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, let the discriminant be denoted as D. Then the graph of y = f(x) will cross the x-axis at the x-values x = (-b + sqrt(D))/(2a) and x = (-b - sqrt(D))/(2a). When the discriminant D = 0, these 2 x-values are actually the same. Thus the graph will touch the x-axis only once.

If the discriminant is negative the graph of a quadratic function will cross or touch the x-axis?

No, it will be entirely above the x-axis if the coefficient of x2 > 0, or entirely below if the coeff is <0.