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Q: If the displacement is negative 2 north and represents a positive displacement What is the direction?
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Is costheta is a vector?

No. Cos theta (Cos θ) is a trigonometric function. A vector is any physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction. For example, Displacement. Displacement has a magnitude like 240m or 0 or 13 m, etc. It also depends on the direction. If an object moves along the positive direction of x-axis, then the displacement will have a positive sign and if it moves along the negative direction of x-axis, then displacement will be negative. Thus, it has both direction and magnitude and so is a vector. Cos theta is a trigonometric function, strictly speaking.

Why positive displacement are called positive?

Because it has been decided that the right and upwards directions in a plane are the positive directions and the left and downwards are negative. Originally, the decisions were arbitrary but conventionally agreed (in the same sort of way that North is usually shown at the top of a map). Any displacement in a positive direction is called a positive displacement.

A -2 displacement towards the north represents a positive displacement towards the south?

Indeed it is.

How can you have both positive and negative work at the same time?

Very interesting approach! When Paul presses a spring then work done by Paul is positive and work performed by spring is negative. As per scalar product we have to use cos@ If @ is acute then cos @ is +ve and if @ is obtuse then it becomes -ve As force applied and displacement are in the same direction as in the case of Paul's attempt then work becomes positive But in case of spring's opposing force the displacement is in opposite direction and so work is negative

What does the slope of a linen on a distance - time graph represent?

The speed. Also, if a positive slope represents the speed in one direction, the negative slope is the speed in the opposite direction.

Related questions

If displacement is decreasing then velocity is?

If displacement is decreasing, then velocity can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the direction of motion. If the object is moving in the positive direction, a decreasing displacement may result in a positive velocity. If the object is moving in the negative direction, a decreasing displacement may lead to a negative velocity. If the object is stationary and its displacement is decreasing, the velocity is zero.

Can a position time graph tell in which directionthe displacement of an object is?

Yes, a position-time graph can tell you the direction of the displacement of an object. If the slope of the graph is positive, the object is moving in the positive direction. If the slope is negative, the object is moving in the negative direction.

What does area under velocity time graph show?

The area under a velocity-time graph represents the displacement of an object. If the area is positive, the object is moving in the positive direction; if negative, the object is moving in the negative direction. The steeper the slope of the graph, the greater the velocity.

Can distance and displacement be negative?

Yes, distance and displacement can be negative. Negative distance occurs when an object moves in the opposite direction from the reference point, while negative displacement indicates a change in position in the opposite direction of the reference point.

How can displacement be negative?

Displacement can be negative when an object moves in the opposite direction from its reference point. For example, if an object is initially at position 0 and moves to position -5, the displacement would be -5 units. Negative displacement indicates movement in the opposite direction from the reference point.

Is it possible to have negative value in speed and displacement?

No, in physics, speed and displacement are scalar quantities that represent magnitudes and cannot be negative. However, the direction of motion can be indicated by assigning a negative or positive sign to the speed or displacement value.

If positive 12 represents 12 kilometers what does negative 16 represents?

Negative 16 would represent 16 kilometres in the opposite direction.

How do you achieve negative velocity?

Negative velocity is achieved by moving in the opposite direction of the positive direction. For example, if a car is moving eastwards with a velocity of 50 km/h, to achieve negative velocity, it would need to be moving westwards with a velocity of -50 km/h.

The application of a force through a distance?

Work = Force * displacement if the displacement and the force are parallel - work is positive if force and displacement are in the same direction, negative if they have opposite direction. At an angle Work = Force * displacement * cos(θ) where θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

What is the meaning of the area enclosed on the velocity vs time graph?

The area enclosed on a velocity vs time graph represents the displacement or distance traveled by an object. Positive areas indicate motion in one direction, while negative areas indicate motion in the opposite direction. The greater the area, the greater the total displacement.

Is costheta is a vector?

No. Cos theta (Cos θ) is a trigonometric function. A vector is any physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction. For example, Displacement. Displacement has a magnitude like 240m or 0 or 13 m, etc. It also depends on the direction. If an object moves along the positive direction of x-axis, then the displacement will have a positive sign and if it moves along the negative direction of x-axis, then displacement will be negative. Thus, it has both direction and magnitude and so is a vector. Cos theta is a trigonometric function, strictly speaking.

Why positive displacement are called positive?

Because it has been decided that the right and upwards directions in a plane are the positive directions and the left and downwards are negative. Originally, the decisions were arbitrary but conventionally agreed (in the same sort of way that North is usually shown at the top of a map). Any displacement in a positive direction is called a positive displacement.