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The vo;ume of a cube is s-cubed, that is, the length of one side (or edge) multiplied by itself 3 times. In this case it is 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.

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Q: If the edge of a cube has length 3 what is the volume of the cube?
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What is the formula for a cube volume?

The formula for calculating the volume of a cube is V = s^3, where V is the volume and s is the length of one side of the cube.

A cube has edge length 3 in. What is its volume?

V = s3 where V is the volume of the cube (in3) and s is the edge length (in). Here, we're given V = 125000in3

A cube has an edge length of 3 in. What is its volume​?

27 cubic inches.

What is the volume of a cube with each edge measuring 9 inches?

The volume of a cube is the cube of the length of one edge. (9 inches)3 = 729 cubic inches.

How do you find the edge of a cube if the volume is 200?

The equation of the volume of a cube is s^3, where 's' is the length of one edge. So the edge would be the cubed root of the volume. In your case, the cube root of 200. Which is 5.848 (approx).

What is the variable expression for the volume of a cube whose edge length is x?

Its volume is x^3

What happens to the volume of a cube when the edge lengths are doubled?

Volume of cube = l^3 Volume = (2l)^3 = 8*l^3 When you double the length, you multiply the volume by 8.

A cube has a volume of 27 cubic centimeters what is the length of each edge?

3 cm per edge.

What is the volume of a cube if one edge is 10 cm long?

The volume of a cube is the length of the edge of an edge cubed.i.e. V = L3 where V = volume and L = length of an edge.So for a cube with edges 10 cm long, the volume is:V = (10 cm)3V = 1,000 cm3

What is the length of each edge of the cube if the volume is 79507?

The length of each edge would be 43 units. 43^3=79507

How do you solve the length of the edge of a cube if its volume is 1000 cubic meters?

To find the length of the edge of a cube with a volume of 1000 cubic meters, you would calculate the cube root of 1000. The formula for the volume of a cube is edge length cubed, so by taking the cube root of 1000, you find that the edge length is 10 meters.

How much greater is the volume of a cube when the length of each edge is multiplied by 3?

First cube's edge is 4 units, volume is 64 cunits. Second cube's edge is 12 units, volume is 1728 cunits, an increase of 27 times the original. This is to be expected as 3 cubed is 27.