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Q: If the line on a graph is dotted the line is NOT part of the solution?
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If the line on a graph is dotted the line is not part of the solition teue or false?

Yeah its not the part of the questions but the remainig part of the question depends on it

If the line on a graph is solid the line is part of the solution.?


If the line on a graph is solid the line is part of the solution true or false?

It should be true, but hey you're the one who's unsure -AD

What is a cluster on a line graph?

A cluster in a line graph is the major part of the line graph that connects to the plot.

What is uses of shadow graph?

I will guess that what you refer to as a "shadow graph" serves as a way to visually represent all the answers, or solutions, to a linear inequality. For instance, if you graph y=x (a linear equality), you get the diagonal line through the origin heading 45 degrees up and to the right in one direction and down and to the left in the other. Any point on that line is a solution, even extended beyond the visible graph in both directions, "forever". However, if you graph y

What is the equal to or greater then symbol on a graph?

If the graph is a two-dimensional plane and you are graphing an inequality, the "greater than or equal to" part will be shown by two things: (1) a solid, not a dotted, line--this part signifies the "or equal to" option--and (2) which region you shade. Shade the region that contains the points that make the inequality true. By shading that region, you are demonstrating the "greater than" part.

Which type of line that tests for a function?

Vertical line. If you can draw a vertical line through some part of a graph and it will intersect with the graph twice, the graph isn't a function.

What part of a graph tells you what a line and bar graph repesent?

It is the legend or key.

What part of an inequality graph represents the solution?

The Feasible Region

What are the part of a graph?

there is a line and ploting point

What if the line graph equation has a negative y?

Then that part of the graph is below the x-axis.

How do you graph a solution set for b is not equal to 0 on a number line?

To graph the solution set for b is not equal to 0 on a number line, you would first place a filled-in circle at 0 to indicate that 0 is not included in the solution set. Then, draw a ray extending to the left and another extending to the right, indicating that the set includes all numbers except 0. No other markings or filled-in circles are needed since all numbers, positive or negative, except 0, are part of the solution set.