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If the linear dimensions of a square or a rectangle are doubled, the area of the object will be quadrupled.

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Q: If the liner dimensions of an object are doubled how much dose the total area increase?
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Related questions

How many liner meters in a square meter?

This question cannot be answered sensibly. A square metre is a measure of area, with dimensions [L2]. A linear (not liner) metre is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. The two measure different things and basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.

Why titanic was the best liner in the world?

Because it was the most luxurious liner in the world and was, at that time, the largest moving object ever made by the hands of man

Which object has the smallest inertia 1 an ocean liner 2 a VW bug 3 a car 4 a mosquito?

An ocean liner. It has the most mass.

True or false a linear regression is useful for modeling the position of an object in free fall?

true, liner regression is useful for modeling the position of an object in free fall

Will a darker pool liner cause more water evaporation?

A dark pool liner might cause a very small increase in water evaporation, but nothing significant. The dark pool liner will raise the water temp a bit which, in turn, may increase the evaporation rate. But, the evaporation rate is much more dependent upon the air temperature and humidity than on the water temp, so the increase in water temp would only have a very small effect on the overall or net water evaporation rate. Hope this helps ... yes, it will, and it could be a significant increase.

How do you clean a liner?

Ocean liner? Truck/SUV cargo liner? Pond liner? Trash liner? Chimney liner? Pool liner? Helmet liner? Panty liner? Dirty one-liner?

Why did tension between the us and Germany increase in 1917?

resumed submarine warfare against neutral shipping

Above Ground Pool Liners?

form_title= Above Ground Pool Liners form_header= Swim your days away with a new above ground pool liner. What color liner do you need?*= _ [50] What are the dimensions of your pool?*= _ [50] Are there any other issues with your pool?*= () Yes () No If so, please explain them in detail.*= _ [50]

Is the pitch of the note on a xylophone is liner or non liner?

It is liner.

Does a pool liner pad stop an existing leak?

The pool liner pad is placed underneath the pool liner to prevent items from cutting through the liner. If the liner is already leaking, the liner pad will not stop the leak.

What is a pool liner?

Overlap refers to just that... the liner overlaps the top of the pool. The other option is a hung liner, where the liner locks into a track..

What is a salmon bin liner?

A salmon bin liner is a bin liner made out of salmon and has salmon in it