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Q: If the manufacturer gain 10 per cent the wholesaler 15 per cent and retailer 25 per cent then what is the production cost of washing machine whose retailed price is rupees 37950?
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Where can i find what the average markup on dinnerware sets of four?

From the retailer's pricing policy, although a retailer is not likely to share that information with you. You could find the price before mark-up from the wholesaler and compare that with the retail price. The difference would be the mark-up except that an established retailer is likely to get a better price from the wholesaler than you would.

What is the selling price of dairy milk i selling price to consumers ii selling price to retailer iii selling price to wholesaler?

selling price to whole seller.

What is the purpose of a markup from the wholesale price?

It represents the profit margin of the retailer. Without that the retailer could not remain in business.

Distinguish between selective distribution and exclusive distribution?

Selective distribution involves a producer using a limited number of outlets in a geographical area to sell products. An advantage of this approach is that the producer can choose the most appropriate or best-performing outlets and focus effort (e.g. training) on them. Selective distribution works best when consumers are prepared to "shop around" - in other words - they have a preference for a particular brand or price and will search out the outlets that supply.Exclusive distribution is an extreme form of selective distribution in which only one wholesaler, retailer or distributor is used in a specific geographical area.

Where can someone learn more about Corelle coordinates?

The Corelle coordinates can be learned about by visiting a kitchen retailer or a large retailer that carries a variety of cookware. The Corelle name in cookware is well known for its quality and these kitchen and cookware retailers have publications about the history of the Corelle brand.

Related questions

What is a wholesale buyer?

A wholesale buyer is a person or business that purchases from a wholesaler or manufacturer and then sells direct as a retailer or sells to a retailer.

What is a van and truck wholesaler?

A van and truck wholesaler is a person who purchases vans and trucks right from the manufacturer. He or she will then sell the trucks and vans to a retailer.

Can a business be a wholesaler and a retailer?

yes. it can be wholesaler and a retailer

What is the difference between a manufacturer a distributor a wholesaler a retailer and a dealer?

A wholesaler is basically the 'origin' (manufacturer, etc.) of goods. The distributor is the person or business who buys goods from the wholesaler and sells goods to a dealer. A dealer is the person or business who sells goods to the public (me and you).

What definition of wholesale and wholesaler?

Wholesale is when things are sold in large amounts; such as household items or canned goods sold by the unopened carton of 24 pieces each. This is usually done from manufacturer to wholesaler or retailer, and/or from wholesaler to retailer. Sales in these amounts are generally not offered to the consumer. A wholesaler is a person, company, or outlet which sells in wholesale amounts.

What is the differences of wholesaler to the retailer?

A wholesaler is some thing that supplies the retailer with items to sell. The product some times gets bought in bulk from the wholesaler then gets marked up by the retailer.

What is Difference between wholesaler and retailer on the basis risk?

what is Difference between wholesaler and retailer on the basis risk?

Who is a retailier?

A retailer is a medium between manufacturer or wholesaler and the public. He/She buys from manufacturer or wholesaler to sell direct to the public. A lot chain stores or superstores are all examples of retailers. You can go there to buy things from one to whatever. there is no minimum number of stuff to buy.

How is brand franchise is related to organization?

A brand franchise is an agreement between a brand name manufacturer and retailer. By making this agreement, the retailer or wholesaler becomes a smaller part of the larger organization.

What is the difference between a wholesaler and a retailer?

A wholesaler is a product distributor straight from the factory. A retailer usually gets their products from a wholesaler but it costs you a little more money.

Different types of distribution channel in marketing?

(i) Producer --> Agent --> Wholesaler --> Retailer --> Consumer (ii) Producer --> Wholesaler --> Retailer --> Consumer (iii) Producer --> Agent --> Consumer (iv) Producer --> Wholesaler --> Consumer and (v) Producer --> Retailer --> Consumer

Can a wholesaler be a retailer?

yeah one surely be a wholesaler if he/she is already into retailer services even one is can also go for drop shipping services.