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Q: If the pay of from outcome A is twice the payoff from outcome B then the ratio of these utilities would be?
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What is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting head on the first flip?

The probability is 1/2 because the second outcome has no affect on the first outcome.

What can be concluded about a rectangles width if the ratio of length to perimeter is 1 to 3?

The width is half the length: The perimeter is twice the length plus twice the width. If the perimeter is 3 times the length, twice the width must be the length.

Is there a silver ratio if there's a golden ratio?

yes, if the golden ratio is ((square root 5) +1)/2, then the silver ratio is (square root 2) +1. as the golden ratio is represented by phi, the silver ratio is represented by deltas. as two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one, two quantities are in the silver ratio if the ratio between the sum of the smaller plus twice the larger of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller.

What is the ratio of the volumes of two similar solids?

The ratio of the volumes of two similar solids is proportional to the cube of the diameter - or of any other linear measurement. For example, at twice the diameter, you would have 8 times the volume.

Is age nominal or ordinal data?

A person's age is a ratio scale because we can say person A's age is twice older than person B's. Equal difference ages on a ratio scale all have exactly the same size. Moreover in age, 0 (zero) exists, which is feature of a ratio scale.

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When the ratio of hydrogen is twice that of oxygen the molecule is?

the compound will be- H2O

What is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting head on the first flip?

The probability is 1/2 because the second outcome has no affect on the first outcome.

What is the ratio of water to quinoa?

You need to have a specific ratio when cooking Quinoa. This is a two to one ratio. You need to have twice as much water than quinoa and then boil it.

What is the ratio of crankshaft to camshaft?

The Crankshaft spins twice for every single turn of the Camshaft. so it would be a 2:1 ratio.

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What is the sex ratio of those that are afflicted with polymyalgia rheumatica?

Women are afflicted twice as often as men.

Would having a money supply twice as large as it currently is make trade twice as easy?

An decrease in the required reserve ratio leads to an increase in the money supply

Would having a money supply twice as large as it is currently makes trade twice as easy?

An decrease in the required reserve ratio leads to an increase in the money supply

What can be concluded about a rectangles width if the ratio of length to perimeter is 1 to 3?

The width is half the length: The perimeter is twice the length plus twice the width. If the perimeter is 3 times the length, twice the width must be the length.

What is the ratio of the volume of such a cylinder to the volume of one having twice the height but the same radius?

2 to 1

What is the ratio of the volume of a cylinder to the volume of a cylinder having the same height but twice the radius?

1 to 4

Is employee age an ordinal scale?

Employee age is a ratio level of measurement. Requirements of ratio level of measurement are: A) has a natural zero (in case of age is birth) and B) differences and ratio's are meaningful (for age 4 is twice as old as 2).