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Q: If the probability of rain is 0.99 what is the probability of no rain?
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Probability of rain on monday is what is the probability of no rain on Monday?

IF probability of rain is X percent then probability of no rain is 100- X percent. For example if prob of rain is 80% prob of no rain is 20%

If the probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.38 then the probability that it will not rain tomorrow is?

LetA= rainP(A)=0.38LetA'= not rainP(A') =1 - P(A)=1 - 0.38=0.62so probability of it will not rain tommrow is 0.62

True or false The' probability that it will rain today is 0.65 and probability that it will rain or snow is 0.55?

False; the "or" is an additive property so the probability of rain or snow muse be greater than or equal to 0.65.

A sentence with the word probability?

"There is a high probability of rain this evening."

Probability that it will rain is .25 in March you spend 5 days What is the probability that your vacation will be all sunny?

If the probability that it will rain is 0.25, then the probability that it is sunny is 0.75. The probability of it being sunny for five days, then is 0.755, or about 0.2373.

What tool is used to check the probability of rain?

Rain Gauge

The probability of rain on thanksgiving day in Boston is 0.75 the probability of rain in Honolulu on thanksgiving day is 0.24 what is the probability that it rains in Boston or Honolulu on thanksgiv?

0.81 apex:)

Probability of 2 out of 12 trials being positive if the probability of each trial being positive is 5 percent?

This is a binomial probability distribution; n=12, r=2 & P=.05. Read directly from the table probability of 2 is .099 (plugging this data into my calculator gives 0.09879).

What is the probability that it will rain on 2 consecutive days?

The probability of rain on any given day is independent of the previous day, assuming that weather conditions do not influence each other. Therefore, to calculate the probability of rain on two consecutive days, you would multiply the individual probabilities of rain on each day. For example, if the probability of rain on any given day is 30%, the probability of rain on two consecutive days would be 0.30 * 0.30 = 0.09 or 9%.

Does a 10 percent chance of rain mean that it will rain?

No, it means it might, with a probability of 0.1

If there is a 30 chance of rain on tomorrow what is the probability it will not rain on tomorrow?

There is a 70% chance it will not rain tommorrow! There is a 70% chance it will not rain tommorrow!

What is 000-099?

000-099 = -99