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Q: If the radius of a circle is 6 inches how long is the arc subtended by an angle measuring 70 degress?
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How many inches around a 12 circle?

The answer depends on the units used for measuring the circle: 12 WHAT? Inches, miles, millimetres? Since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

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How do you draw a hexagon with picture and construction?

Let's say you want to draw a hexagon with each side measuring 2 inches. Take a compass and draw a circle with a radius of 2 inches. With the compass set at the same length (2 inches) start with any point on the circle and measure of 2 inches successively around the circumference of the circle. Join the points with straight lines and you got a hexagon.

Circle shape meaning?

In geometry, a circle is a two-dimensional shape formed by all points that are one consistent distance or "radius" from a single central point. For example, if the radius is 5 inches, then the shape formed from the preceding rule would be a perfectly round circle measuring 10 inches in "diameter" (the distance of any one point on a circle to the farthest point on the same circle).

If the area of a circle is about 28 sq inches the diameter of the circle is about?

If the area of a circle is about 28 square inches the diameter of the circle is: about 6 inches (5.971).

What is the area of a calendar measuring 18 inches by 12 inches?

A rectangle measuring 18 by 12 inches has an area of 216 square inches.

What is the circumference of the circle if the circle is 32 inches in diameter?

A circle with a radius of 16 inches (32/2) has a circumference of 100.53 inches.

How many lineal inches in a 12 inches circle?

The circumference of a circle, with a diameter of 12 inches, is 37.7 inches.

If a circumference of a circle is 28.26 inches what is the radius of the circle?

4.497718692 inches

How do you measure a circle to get square inches?

Area of a circle in square inches = pi*radius2 in inches

If the diamentre of a circle is 9 and a half inches how many inches is it around the circle?

29.85 inches

What is the area of the circle if the diameter is 40 inches inches?

The area of the circle is 1,256.6 square inches.