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% / Sqrt output mA / Non square output mA 0% / 4 / 4 10% / 9.059644256 / 5.6 20% / 11.15541753 / 7.2 25% / 12 / 8 30% / 12.76356092 / 8.8 40% / 14.11928851 / 10.4 50% / 15.3137085 / 12 60% / 16.39354671 / 13.6 70% / 17.38656042 / 15.2 75% / 17.85640646 / 16 80% / 18.31083506 / 16.8 90% / 19.17893277 / 18.4 100% / 20 / 20

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Q: If the range 0-100 what is the square root and linear output in 4-20mA?
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"A device for which the output is, within a given dynamic range, linearly proportional to the input" e.g. a spring scale is linear device for measuring weight.

When is the Op-amp said to be working in its linear range?

When the slope of the output/input is a straight line, before the knee point. The knee point is where the slope dramatically changes from the linear region to saturation.

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An inverting amplifier having linear output characteristics is disclosed which includes additional n-channel and p-channel transistors coupled to a classic CMOS inverter circuit. The linear transfer characteristic is achieved with nearly full dynamic Vcc range. The invented amplifier yields a linear transfer characteristic by controlling the dimension ratios between each of the transistors. The wide dynamic range, wide bandwidth and low output impedance make the circuit well-suited for use as an output stage of a CMOS operational amplifier. Source -

Explain the difference between linear dynamic range with analytical range?

Analytical range refers to the method/procedure used, It can include a non linear response. If you plot the analytical results versus the reference values you will have a linear curve. The linear range could be more precisely given by saying the linear instrument range

If the range 0-100 flow what is the square root linear output in 4-20mA?

To convert a linear range of 0-100 to a 4-20mA signal, you would use a square root function. For example, when the input is 0, the output is 4mA, and when the input is 100, the output is 20mA. The square root function would map the input values to the output values accordingly.

What is the Python algorithm in linear least square?

p.begin_fill() i in range(4):p.fd(60)p.rt(90)p.end_fill()

What are the biasing roles of transistor?

A: Transistor to be effective as an linear amplifier it must be operated in its linear load range. The biasing scheme is to insure that the transistor is put in its linear/load range

What are the function of output?

it is range

What is the range of a linear function?

The range is the y, while the domain is the x.

Why integrated circuit is called linear integrated circuits?

analog device characterized by theoretically infinite no. of posiible operating states .

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Audio output frequency is that range of frequencies that can be heard. For humans, that is generally considered to be the range of 20Hz to 20kHz.

What is the collection of all output values?

Collection of all output values is called the range.