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The profit or loss would depend on the number of units produced and the number sold. These numbers need not be equal.

There is, therefore, not enough information to provide a sensible answer.

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Q: If the ratio of cp and sp 5 4 then what would be the profit or loss?
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What are the formula for profit and loss in mathematics?

Formula:Profit = Selling Price (SP) - Cost Price (CP)Loss = Cost Price (CP) - Selling Price (SP)

How to find the profit or loss of something?

to find the profit you have to subtract the selling price from the cost price formula :- SP - CP = P to find the loss you have to subtract the cost price from the selling price formula :- CP - SP = L

What is the formula of percentage profit?

first determine what is the cost price(CP) and the selling price(SP). Subtract CP from SP. if the result is positive then it is a profit. now divide the profit with CP and the resul which you will get multiply it with 100.Percentage profit= (profit/CP)*100

Write a c program for profit and loss percentage?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { float cp, sp, p, l; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter cost price and selling price:"); scanf("%f%f",&cp, &sp); p=sp-cp; l=cp-sp; if(p>0) {printf("\n The seller has made a profit of Rs.%f",p); } else if(l>0) {printf("\n The seller is in loss by Rs.%f",l); } else {printf("\n There is no loss or no profit"); } } i m sure this will help u..... shalini

What is profit and loss in mathematics?

Profit or Loss is always calculated on the cost price.Cost price (C.P.): price on which an item is purchased.Selling price (S.P.): price on which an item is sold.Profit: If the selling price is more than the cost price, the difference between them is the profit incurred. Selling Price (SP) > Cost Price (CP) &rarr; ProfitLoss: If the selling price is less than the cost price, the difference between them is the loss incurred. Selling Price (SP) < Cost Price (CP) &rarr; Loss

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Multiply the cost price by the profit margin plus 100%. SP=CP*(1+PP)

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How do you get cp on the ultimate Club Penguin trainer beta 2 to Club Penguin?

Go to the penguin graveyard, steal the bodies, necrophilia, PROFIT.

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