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For one thing, I think you should do your own homework. But if a wave is moving 1500m/s and one wave is 1/200th of a second's worth, then the length of that wave is 1500/200 = 15/2 = 7.5 meters.

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Q: If the sped of a wave is 1500 m sec and its frequency is 200 Hertz what is the wavelength?
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The past participle of "sped" is "sped."

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Sped is the past tense of speed.

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Is there any such word as 'sped?

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'The car sped' is using the past tense of speed. The car was speeding down the street, so the car sped.

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The past participle is sped.

Speed past tense?

The past tense of 'to speed' is 'sped', in all persons of the conjugation. 'Sped' is also this verb's past participle.