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Natalie Villanueva

Lvl 6
2y ago
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Q: If the statement If I am hungry then I am not happy is assumed to be true is its inverse If I am not hungry then I must be happy also always true A.No B.Yes?
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If the statement if I am hungry then I am not hungry is assumed to be true is its inverse if I am not hungry then I must be happy also always true?


If the statement If I am hungry then I am not happy is assumed to be true is its inverse If I am not hungry then I must be happy also always true?


If the statement If I am hungry then I am not happy is assumed to be true is its inverse If I am not hungry then I must be happy also always true A. No B. Yes?


If the statement if i am not hungry then im not happy assumed to be true then its inverse if i am not hungry then i must be happy also true?

No. In fact, it cannot be true.

If the statement If I am hungry then I am not happy is assumed to be true is its converse If I am not happy then I must be hungry also always true?

The Answer: NO

If you are hungry then you are not happy is assumed to be true is its converse If you are not happy then you must be hungry also always true?

No, the converse of a statement does not necessarily have to be true. In this case, the original statement "If you are hungry then you are not happy" does not imply that its converse "If you are not happy then you must be hungry" is always true. It is possible to be unhappy for reasons other than hunger.

Who has assumed the role of chief in the book lord of the flies?

Ralph assumed the role of chief to start out with after he was elected by the other boys. Jack was always power hungry and eventually started his own "tribe" in which he was the chief.

What always eats but is always hungry?

hungry things

Which Disney character is always hungry?

Winnie-the-Pooh is always hungry for honey

What is a statement made that implies the opposite?

"I'm not really hungry" can imply that the person is actually hungry.

What is vision statement of of hungry jacks?

get fat, fast

Are wolves always hungry?

no wolves are not allways hungry.They are not as hungry as sharks.