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Number is 6 1X2X3= 6 1+2+3= 6

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Q: If the sum of 3 different numbers is the same as their product what is that number?
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What is a negative number times a negative number equal?

If the signs of both numbers are the same, the product will be positive. If the signs of the numbers are different, the product will be negative.

What is a product of the same two numbers?

The product of the same two numbers, is the number's square.

What type of results when a negative number is multipled by a positive number and vise versa?

If two numbers have different signs, then their product is negative. If two numbers have the same sign, then their product is positive.

Is the product of two sighed numbers that have the same sigh a positive number or a negative number?

The product is positive.The rule is, "Numbers with like signs give a positive product.", and conversely, "Numbers with unlike signsgive a negative product."

What is an isotone?

An isotone is a group of atomic nuclei that have the same neutron number but different atomic numbers. This means isotones have the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons. Isotones are different from isotopes, which have the same atomic number but different numbers of neutrons.

How can different atoms of the same element have the same atomic number but can have different mass numbers?

They have different numbers of neutrons.

Is an isotope a electron?

Isotopes have same number of electrons. They have same number of protons, so their atomic numbers are same. They have different numbers of neutrons resulting different mass numbers.

Do isotopes have the same atomic number and different mass numbers?

Yes. Isotopes have the same atomic number because all of their atoms have the same number of protons. They have different mass numbers because their atoms have different numbers of neutrons, and mass number is the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons.

What is the name given to atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons?

Atoms of the same element cannot have different numbers of protons. Different numbers of protons mean different elements. An atom with the a different number of neutrons is called an isotope.

Which product has a factor pair in which both numbers are the same?

A square number

What are atoms that have the same atomic number but different neutron numbers?

Atoms that have the same atomic number but different neutron numbers are known as isotopes. Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons, leading to variations in their atomic mass.

Why do numbers have both positive and negative roots?

because you can get a positive number as EITHER a product of 2 positive numbers OR the product of the negatives of the SAME 2 numbers; the product of 2 negative numbers is positive.