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Q: If the sum of three numbers is 99 and the first number is 10 greater than the second and 20 greater than the third. find the largest of the three numbers.?
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Have the second number be greater than the first.

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Have the second number be greater than the first.

What are two mathods of comparing numbers?

One option for comparing two numbers is to subtract the first number from the second number. If the result is less than zero, the first number is larger. If the result is greater than zero, the second number is larger. If the result is zero, the numbers are equal. Another option (for positive numbers) would be to divide the first number by the second number. If the result is greater than one, the first number is larger. If the result is less than one, the second number is larger. If the result is one, the numbers are equal. This rule flips if you are comparing negative numbers.

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Look at the numbers starting with the first, then the second. They are the same 98. Look at the third numbers, they are the same 9. Then the fourth number, the first number has 9 and the second has an 8. So the first number is the greater. You can also subtract them and if you need to get a positive number, the top number is greater.

Write an algorithm to read two numbers then display the largest?

Read 2 numbers. If first is larger than second, display second, else display first. That's for the smallest. For the largest reverse the two. For each of the other two, it's easier to just create a variable, call it largest. Initialize it to a very small number, say -1. As you read each number, compare it to largest. If the number is larger than largest, set largest equal to the number. When you finish each list of numbers, then print largest. Best answer Read 2 numbers. If first is larger than second, display second, else display first. That's for the smallest. For the largest reverse the two. For each of the other two, it's easier to just create a variable, call it largest. Initialize it to a very small number, say -1. As you read each number, compare it to largest. If the number is larger than largest, set largest equal to the number. When you finish each list of numbers, then print largest.

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Every second number greater than 2 is an even number.

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6.03 is greater than 6.00, as long as you did not round off the 6.0 number. since all the numbers before the 3 are the same, and the number 3 is greater than the number 0 in second decimal place

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A number is greater than another number if it is more positive than the second number. 21.1 is more positive than 20. If you want to think of it in terms of the number line: If you write the number line horizontally with negative numbers to the left, zero in the middle and positive numbers to the right a number is greater than another if it is to the right (on the number line) than the second. 21.1 is to the right of 20, so 21.1 is greater than 20.

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How do you write decimals from highest to lowest?

You use a number of rules:* Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. To compare two positive numbers: * The number more digits to the left of the decimal point is larger. For example, 200 is greater than 27. * If there is no whole part (no part left of the decimal point), the one with less zeros after the decimal point is larger. For example, 0.03 is greater than 0.0005. * If both of the above are the same, the number which has the largest digit for the first non-zero digit (from the left) is largest. For example, 0.03 is greater than 0.029. * If this first non-zero digit from the left is the same, compare the second digit. If those are the same, compare the third digit, etc. For example, 0.02556 is greater than 0.02541. For negative numbers, the rules above give you the SMALLER number. For example, -0.3 is less than -0.02.

What is the condition of second largest number?

There is no such condition. The algorithm to locate the second largest number in an array of numbers is: Sort the array in descending order. Remove the duplicate values from the array. If there are two or more elements remaining, return the second number. If there is less than two elements remaining, return the NaN value (not a number).