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24 degrees 12pm

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Q: If the temperature is 0 at 7 am and rises 2 degrees every hour what will the temperature be at 12 pm and then it drops 1 degree every hour after that so what time will it be when is 0 again?
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It is 54 degrees outside the temperature drops 18 degrees what will the temperature outside?

Still 54 degrees if the 18 degree drop is inside!

If the temperature is -16 degrees and it drops 7 degrees what is the temperature?

- 23 degrees

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The temperature dropped by 11 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is curently 45 degrees and drops to -4 degrees in 7 hours which number shows the change in temperature?

The change in temperature is 49 degrees, calculated by subtracting the final temperature (-4 degrees) from the initial temperature (45 degrees).

If the air at 75 degree holding the maximum amount of moisture that it can and the temperature suddenly drops to 60 degrees what is likely to be the result?

The air at 75 degrees Fahrenheit holding the maximum amount of moisture is likely at its dew point. When the temperature drops to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, the air will become saturated and the excess moisture will begin to condense out as dew or fog. This process is known as reaching the dew point temperature.

What organism would die out if the temperature dropped 50 degrees in the desert?

You need to provide a point of reference. If the temperature is 100 degrees F and drops to 50 degrees, that is still a comfortable temperature for most organisms. However, if the temperature is 50 degrees and drops to zero, many organisms would be adversely affected, especially if the temperature remained cold for an extended period.

Climate temperature for cuba in December?

The temperature rarely drops below 18 degrees Celsius.

Which temperature is 40 degrees colder than 86 Fahrenheit?

If the starting temperature is 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and it drops by 40 degrees, the temperature is 46 Fahrenheit. It's simple subtraction.

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What happens if body temperature drops below 95 degrees?

you die

Which temperature is 20 degrees colder than 44 F?

20 degrees colder than 44 degrees Fahrenheit would be 24 degrees Fahrenheit.

What makes the ice?

it rains then the temperature drops below 32 degrees and it freezes