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It means that what is after it is at a different time then what just happened, like in the movies when the screen goes black and you just assume that it is a different day.

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Q: If there are three dots on a book page what would the dots mean?
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What do the dots on the Kindle mean?

If you mean the dots from under each book title, they represent the length of the book. Normal dots will tell you how long a book is, and as you read it the dots will become slightly larger (so you can see at a glance, from the homepage, if you're halfway through or just starting the book).

What do four dots mean?

== == Three dots are ellipses, meaning that something is left out. If you combine ellipses with a period, then that would leave four dots... meaning that something is left out, and then it ends.

What do three dots mean in a novel like during a book it will just randomly have?

the three dots is called an ellipsis. it is used to either mislead or clarify example-"She went to … school." In this sentence, "…" might represent the word "elementary." (

What does three dots ... mean?

uncompleted sentence.

What does three dots stamped inside a ring mean?

What no they mean

What does 3 dots in a upward v sign mean?

Three dots in an upward V sign mean "therefore".

What does three dots mean in a sentence ...? means you are a cretin.

What does six dots and open three doors mean in Pokemon emerald?

Imean the third rock with dots!

3 tattoo dots by the eyes?

It's from a Mexican saying that means, "My crazy life". That's what the three dots mean.

What does it mean if a pregnancy test has three dots show up where the positive line would be?

I would think that this means your test is faulty - try another one.

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What do the three dots mean heres a example she cried and she was happy again?

I assume that in your example they mean a pause. I guess she cried and, after a short time, she was happy again. The three dots are called an ellipsis and can represent words unsaid.