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thirteen sixteenths.

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Q: If there is a 75 percent chance of rain on Monday and a 25 percent chance of rain on Tuesday what is the probability of rain on either Monday or Tuesday?
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There is not enough information to answer the question.

What is the Probability of snowing on Christmas eve?

probably a 93 percent chance.

Does a thirty percent chance of rain really mean it will rain?

A thirty percent chance is a low probability, so it probably won't rain, but it could.

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The probability of someone living for ten years is 90%.

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If the probability of succeeding is 2%, then the probability of failing is 98%. The probability, then, of failing 75 times is 98%75, which is 22%.

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No, it means it might, with a probability of 0.1

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The probability of Ann passing the math test is 90 percent her English test is 80 percent and her Chemistry test is 70 percent What is the probability she passes all three tests?

Sounds like a 100% chance of passing school.

If there is a 60 chance of rain tomorrow and a 40 chance of wind and rain what is the probability that it is windy given that it is rainy Round your answer to the nearest percent.?

It is 67%.

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No. Probability is defined as a number between 0 and 1 (100 percent). If you have four oil wells, each with a probability of hitting being 30%, then the probability of at least one hitting is 100% - (100% - 30%)4, or about 76%.

When you toss a coin the probability that it will land heads up is 25 percent?

No, when you toss a coin there is a 50 percent chance it will land heads up.

There is a 20 percent chance of rain today and a 80 percent chance of rain tomorrow If the two events are independent what is the probability that it will rain today or tomorrow?

0.20 + 0.80*0.80