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It will take 3 minutes if you look at this problem mathematically. Both scenarios have a ratio of 1 rat to 1 cat. 3 minutes multiplied by 1/1 equals 3 minutes.

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Q: If three cats can kill three rats in three minutes how long will it take 33 cats to kill 33 rats?
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If it took three minutes for three cats to kill three rats how long will it take 100 cats to kill 100 rats?

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3 minutes coz it takes 1 cat to kill one rat in 3 minutes

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If 5 Cats kill 5 Rats in 5 minutes that equals 1 rat killed each minute by each cat. So, in twice as many minutes the same ammount of cats will kill twice as many rats... 5 cats will kill 10 rats in 10 minutes. And if left for five times as long, which is 50 minutes, those same 5 cats will kill 50 rats. So obviously you will need twice as many cats to kill twice as many rats in the same time. So the answer is... You will need 10 cats to kill 100 rats in 50 minutes.

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10 cats For future reference, this problem is solved as follows: Let C1 be the number of cats who eat O1 rats in T1 minutes and Let C2 be the number of cats who eat O2 rats in T2 minutes C1T1/O1 = C2T2/O2 solve C2 = O2C1T1/O1T2 C2 = 100x5x5/ (5x50) = 10 cats

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