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First of all ... I think you're talking about either the magnitude of the momentum, or the magnitude

of the velocity, not the magnitude of the objects.

Now ... you're obviously skating around the subject of vectors here, recognizing that both the

velocity and the momentum are vector quantities.

If, as you say, the two objects have " ... the same momentum ... ", then you're saying that their

momentum vectors are equal. If so, then you'd have to say that yes, since the momentum vectors

are equal, the momentum vectors and the velocity vectors must all have the same direction.

But if the two momenta only have equal magnitudes, then they ... and the velocities ... can be in

any two directions, not necessarily related.

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Q: If two objects have the same momentum do their magnitudes necessarily have the same directions?
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To determine if two objects have equal displacements, compare the magnitudes and directions of their displacements. If the magnitudes (distances) and directions traveled by each object are the same, then their displacements are equal. Displacement is a vector quantity that takes into account both distance and direction.

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The magnitude of their initial momentum is the sum of the magnitudes of their individual momenta. It is calculated by multiplying the mass of each object by its velocity and then summing these values for all objects involved.

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Yes, momenta can cancel each other out if they have equal magnitude but opposite direction. When two objects collide and the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, the individual momenta can cancel each other.

Does every transfer decrease momentum a little?

No, not necessarily. The total momentum of a system is conserved if there are no external forces acting on it. During transfers, momentum can change between objects but the total momentum of the system remains the same.

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When two objects move in opposite directions, they will have equal magnitudes of momentum but opposite signs because momentum is a vector quantity with direction. The object moving in one direction will have positive momentum, while the object moving in the opposite direction will have negative momentum. The total momentum of the system remains conserved.

If object A and object B collide object A have the same momentum as it had before the collision True or false?

False. In a collision between two objects, momentum is conserved but it is not necessarily distributed evenly between the objects after the collision. The total momentum before the collision should be equal to the total momentum after the collision, but individual objects may have different momenta.

What is momentum transfer?

Momentum transfer refers to the exchange of momentum between two objects or systems during a collision or interaction. It involves the transfer of momentum from one object to another, leading to changes in their velocities and directions of motion. The principle of momentum conservation states that the total momentum in a closed system remains constant before and after the interaction, even if it is transferred between objects.

Action and reaction forces acting in opposite directions do cancel out because they act on different objects true or false?

True. According to Newton's third law of motion, action and reaction forces always act on different objects and have equal magnitudes but opposite directions. So, when these forces act in opposite directions on different objects, they effectively cancel each other out.

Momentum of a system is conserved only when?

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Damage is more when two bodies collide from opposite directions than when they collide at any other angle.Is it due to the momentum of the objects or their relative velocities?

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