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Q: If what is 35 percent of a number if 12 is 15 percent of a number?
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What is 35 percent of a number if 12 is 15 percent of a number?

12=(15/100)x x=[(12)(100)]/15=(20)(4)=80 Now, 35 percent of a number is (35/100)(80)=Y after cancelling, Y=(7)(4)=28 OR (Shorthand Version) 12/.15=80 80(.35)=28

What 35 percent of a number if 12 is 15 percent of a number?

if 12 = 15% 24 = 30% 10 % = 24 divided by 3 10% = 8 1% = 8 divided by 10 1 % = 0.8 35% = 35 x 0.8 35 % = 28

What is 35 percent of a number if 12 is 15 percent of that number?

12 divided by 15 =0.8=1%0.8 multiplied by 35=2835% = 28If you need further help post a message on my message board:) Juralique

What is 12 percent of 35?

100 (12/35) = 240/7 which is approximately 34 %

What percent of 35 is 5.25?

The number 5.25 is 15% of 35

What is 35 percent of a number if12 is 15 percent of a number?

There is a quick way to solve many of these questions. A quick way to do this in your head, is to break down the result. You want 35% You have 15% What is 35%? Two 15%(30) and 1/3rd of a 15%(5). If you double the known number, you get the answer to the question of 30% of the number is 12 is 15% of it. So, 12 + 12 is 30% Now you are 5% off. 1/3rd of 15% is 5% so 1/3rd of 12 is 4 Now you know that 30% of the number would be 24 and 5% of the number would be 4 Add the two and get your answer.

What is 15 percent of 35?

To find15 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.15. In this instance, 0.15 x 35 = 5.25. Therefore, 15 percent of 35 is equal to 5.25.

35 is 15 percent of what number?

15/0.35 = 42.857142 recurring (that is, 42.857142857142...)

What number is a multiple of 7 12 15 32 35?

35 is a multiple of 7.

What is 35percent of a number if 12 is 15percent of that number?

28 is the answer. if 12 is 15% of a number ,the number is 80. 35% of 80 is 28

12 is 35 percent of what number?

0.35x=12 35x=1200 X=1200/ 35 X=34.286 the answer Check 34.286 times 35% equals 12

What is 15 percent of 35 pounds?

15% of 35 = 5.25 pounds