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$8,547 per person over the age of 14 600 billion Iraq War (as of approx 3/09- still adding) 700 billion TARP 787 stimulus bill (#1) = 2.087 Trillion 2009 Census estimates 306 million u.s. residents - 20.2% are under the age of 14 = 245 million 2.087 trillion divided (/) by 245 million = $8,547 per person over the age of 14 by love_those_kids (Dana Bursk)

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Q: If you added all the TARP and Stimulus 1 plus Iraq War money how much per person over 14 would we get?
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The verb form of stimulus is "stimulate."

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Stimuli is the plural of "stimulus," and would be defined as: something that affects another thing, or causes a reaction to that other "thing" An example of "stimuli" in a sentence would be: "The use of various stimuli in the experiment were observed to cause pain reactions in the test subjects."

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The stimulus that you would use to study nerve physiology would be internal and external stimulus to the body. The study of the nervous system would help in analyzing the human anatomy.

What is a change in an organism's surrounding that causes the organism to react?

The answer to this would mose probabaly be a stimulus. Because there are 2 types of stimuli Internal Stimulus and External Stimulus and so it has to be either one of these but the answer is stimulus.