It means that you are six feet tall. If there is an apostrophe [ ' ] after a number when you are talking about height, it means feet, and a quotation mark [ " ] means inches.
6 cm tall
6 feet = 72 inches
If something is 6 linear feet tall it will be 6 feet tall.
The volume of a cylinder 8 in tall and 6 in wide is: 226cubic inches.
uhh... 6 mm!
i think about 6-6 feet tall i think about 6-6 feet tall
He was 6 feet and 6 inches tall
L.C. Greenwood is 6' 6" tall.
6 cm tall
He is 6 feet, 6 inches tall.
6 feet and 6 inches tall
Michael Jordan is 6 feet 6 inches tall.
He is 6 foot tall.
Jasper is approximately 6 feet tall.
William Clark was about 6 feet tall, which was considered quite tall for his time period.
Alex Haley was 6 feet 6 inches tall.
she is 6' tall. =]