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Q: If you are almost 37 weeks and 2Cm and 80 percent effaced does it mean labor will come soon?
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What if I am 50 percent effaced and 30 weeks pregnant can they stop labor?

Yes, they will give you a large dose of magnesium which works as a muscle relaxer to stop your labor, then they will give you a smaller continuous dose to prevent you from going back into labor. I was 30 weeks pregnant, 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and they were very successful in stopping my labor.

How long before I go into labor if I am 3 weeks pregnant with an incompetent cervix 90 percent effaced but not yet dialated?

if you are 3 weeks pregnant, and your effaced 90% i'd say that you need to go get that checked out? 3 weeks prego means you have ur entire 9 months left to go!! if you go into labor soon, you probably wont be delivering a fullterm healthy baby

How long does it take to go into labor if you are 36 weeks 1cm and 70 percent effaced but baby hasn't dropped?

You could go into labout tomorrow or you may have to wait 3-4 weeks, there is no way of telling.

I am 38 weeks pregnant 2 centimeters dialted and 25 percent effaced how do I induce with castor oil?

Castor oil is a laxative not used to induct labor. As the labor progresses and contraction becomes strong cervical dilatation will increase.

How can you induce labor or know how much time is left if you are 37 weeks 3 days a loose 1cm 60 percent effaced and having regular contractions?

you are in labor---go to the hospital. if your labor doesn't progress, they will give you a drug pitocin to speed you along. good luck Joymaker rn

How soon can labor be expected if you were 2 cm dilated and 60 effaced at 30 weeks and hospitalized for preterm labor now on bed rest at 32 weeks taking nifedapine 4 times a day to stop contractions?

I was put on bed rest and Nifedipine at 29 weeks. I was dialated to 1 1/2 and 50% effaced. I am now 38 weeks. I have been off of Nifedipine for 1 week now and am 60% effaced and not dialated. You could very easily make it to you due date.

If I am 37 weeks pregnant and the baby hasn't dropped can I be dilated or effaced any?

You sure can. I'm 37 weeks, my baby hasn't dropped a bit either. But my doc did tell me I am 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. She thinks I will have a long labor. It is my first.

If you are 38 weeks pregnant 1 cm dilated and 90 effaced At your last Dr apt you were 1 cm dilated and 50 effaced how soon should it be before you go into labor?

== == Theoretically, as long as you are past the point where the fetus is viable, active labor can begin any time in any pregnancy, no matter how much you are dilated or effaced. This means you could go into active labor in four minutes, four days, four weeks, etc. There's really no way to tell.

You are 35 weeks 4 days pregnant with twins you are 75 effaced and dilated to a loose 1 Will you go into labor soon the babies are almost 6 pounds and you are so uncomfortable?

It could happen any time. Try taking a walk.

If you are 4 cm dilated and 85 percent effaced and have starting having false labor how long until you go into true labor?

It totally depends! If you think you are going into labor, call your doctor or just go into the hospital. They will be able to tell you. I was 3 cm dilated for weeks and weeks! I got up to 70% effaced by 38 weeks. I went into labor and went into the hospital, however they sent me home because I didn't dilate past 3 cm in the entire hour I was there. 6 hours later I had my baby! So it happened very quickly for me. Pretty much RIGHT when I got home from my first trip to the hospital I started going into true and hard labor! Good Luck. :)

How long will it take to get 100 effaced and to labor when you are 37 weeks 80 percent effaced and 2 cm dialated with your first child and you don't know the baby's station but he is in position?

YOu won't know all you can do is stay hydrated and go for a walk. Walking speeds up the process. Or try some old wives tales like eating spicy food. Your body will know when it the best time. Some people pop at 37 weeks, that is there done time. It can take days to weeks. It just depends on how your body dialates. I was in labor for 37 hours fully effaced and only dialated to three cm. with my first child. I ended up with a c-section. It wasn't to bad just as painful as labor. GOOD LUCK

36 weeks and 5cm dialated 80 effaced contractions 8 to 10 min apart is it almost time?

If this is 1st pregnancy, you have awhile yet. If not your first, almost.