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Q: If you are being sued for 50-50 at faut accident?
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Is Zac Efron getting sued?

Yes. He is being sued for over $3,000 by Katie Porter for a car accident that happened back in June of 2006.

Can you go to jail for being sued for accidentally hitting mailbox?

You don't go to jail for being sued. If the suit is successful, you may be forced to pay damages caused by your actions (or accident).

Can your federal tax refund be taken if you are being sued for a car accident?

Yes, your refund is an asset and subject to lien.

Who gets sued if you are involved in an accident and the other person is at fault?

other person get sued

You are being sued for an accident 2 years ago will your car insurance handle this?

Probably, if you were insured 2 years ago.

Are trials held for car accidents?

Yes, you can go to court about a car accident, when you are being wrongful sued by the other party.

If I was to get to accident and someone else's car and I was being sued and I do a bankruptcy who will be liable?

Bankruptcy is altogether different than criminal settlements

Can a person who is on the title but not a driver be sued if the other person on the title has an accident?

Yes, they can be sued. Its law.

If you are sued in an auto accident can you lose?

Yes, it is possible.

Can a person in a car accident be sued for injury?


Your daughter caused an auto accident while on your policy She no longer is on it and is being sued from the woman she ran into Does your insurance policy still have to pay?

They should as long as she was covered at the time the accident took place, it was reported, and an accident claim was filed.

My son was in an accident when he was 16.We live in Ind.We both signed the insurance agreement. Now my husband and I are being sued what can they take. The accident was his fault.No one killed.?

Simply report the fact that you have been sued to your insurance company (time of accident). They will take care of it. You should ask to be kept informed about the progress of the suit and any settlements or verdicts in the case.