If you were born in 1987 you will turn 25 in 2012.
On his birthday in the 2009, a person who born in the 1987 be 22.
Subtract 1987 from 2009. The answer is 22.
As of October 2011, someone born in July 1987 would be 24 years old.
One day old on 19 January 1987.
If you were born in 1987, you would be 23 today.
If you were born in 1987 you will turn 25 in 2012.
On his birthday in the 2009, a person who born in the 1987 be 22.
Subtract 1987 from 2009. The answer is 22.
As of October 2011, someone born in July 1987 would be 24 years old.
One day old on 19 January 1987.
he is 3 years old
Argentine footballer Lionel Messi is 30 years old (born June 24, 1987).
Mollie was born in 1987 - (current year minus 1987)
a 21 year old duuuuhhhh!!!!!!!