November 18 1978 was a Saturday.
As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
Date of birth = December 31, 1992 to Sept 17, 2009You were born on a Thursday.Your Thai birthday colour is orange.You have lived for 16 years 8 months 17 days.You have lived for 6104 days.You will have lived for 10000 days on May 18, 2020.Your next birthday is on a Thursday.You will be 17 years old on that day.You were born in the Chinese Year of the Monkey.Your Chinese age is 18.Your Islamic calendar age is 17 years 2 months 21 days.You were born under the Zodiac sign Capricorn.
he had a sister named maria he(called her maja) she was born in 1881 November 18
German mathematician Christian Goldbach was born on March 18, 1690 and died on November 20, 1764.
The zodiac sign would be.................................................. Virgo. :)
Your zodiac sign would be Aquarius. Aquarius is the zodiac sign for those born between January 20 and February 18.
Libra on the cusp of Scorpio.
Virgo is the sign for September 18.
it depends on waht year you were born
The star sign for born on March 18 is Pisces.
The Zodiac sign for those born on December 26th is Capricorn.
Fabio Capello was born June 18, making him a Gemini.
It is Aquarius, the water carrier. This sign of the zodiac includes birthdays from January 20 to February 18.
Aquarius-January 20 - February 18 and Pisces-February 19 - March 20