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Q: If you are driving 45 mph in a 55 mph speed zone in dense fog?
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How fast can you drive on an interstate highway in dense fog?

It is recommended to reduce speed significantly (often below the speed limit) in dense fog on an interstate highway. Visibility can be severely limited, making it unsafe to drive at normal speeds. Always prioritize safety and adjust your speed accordingly.

When driving in fog it is best to drive with?

When driving in fog it is best to drive with low your light on low beam. This will ensure that you get clear vision. You can use fog lights if you have them on your car and do not speed.

Should you use your high beam lights when driving in the fog? lights up the fog making vision worse. Fog normally is least dense at the bottom and rarely reaches all the way to the ground. Thats why fog lights are way down low and why low beams are better than high beams when driving in fog.

What is the sentence of dense?

The sentence for "dense" is: The fog was so dense that I could barely see in front of me.

When driving in the fog the first thing you do is?

Turn on lights and fog lights.NEVER drive with high beams. I live in an area that has dense fog and too many people drive too fast with no lights. Accidents happen because of that.

What do you do when driving through fog?

Switch on headlights and fog lights if you have them, drive no faster than a speed that you can safely stop in the distance you can see to be clear.

When you driving in fog what's the first thing to do is?

Turn on lights and fog lights.NEVER drive with high beams. I live in an area that has dense fog and too many people drive too fast with no lights. Accidents happen because of that.

How often do ships sink because of dence fog?

Virtually never. Dense fog is never the cause of sinking. If the ship sinks in dense fog, it's always more the result of something in the water that the ship struck in the fog.

What is fog intensity?

Fog intensity refers to the density or thickness of fog in a particular area. It is a measure of how much visibility is reduced due to fog, with higher intensity indicating thicker fog and lower visibility. Fog intensity can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind conditions.

What do fog a jack and a body builder have in common?

They all lift

How you say fog in spanish?

fog = neblina (neh BLEE nah) very dense fog = niebla (NYEH blah)

Should you use your low beams or high beams when driving in fog?

You should use low beams when driving in fog. It is more difficult to see driving with high beams in fog.