152/65=2.33 hours =2 hours 19.8 minutes
If you travel at 60 mph, it would take 2 and a half hours. If you travel at 65 mph, it would take 2 hours and 18 minutes.
No, it is not. Estimating may be rounding but need not be.
Estimating one of them is equivalent to estimating the other.
The estimated answer for 308 would be 300. When estimating, you round the number to the nearest place value you are estimating for. In this case, we are estimating to the nearest hundred, so we look at the hundreds place digit (3) and drop the tens and ones digits. Therefore, the estimated answer for 308 is 300.
152/65=2.33 hours =2 hours 19.8 minutes
28 degrees
If you travel at 60 mph, it would take 2 and a half hours. If you travel at 65 mph, it would take 2 hours and 18 minutes.
fifty-four 47 + 21 + 34 + 50 = 152 65 + 78 + 66 + 71 = 280 152 + 280 = 432 as there are 8 numbers divide 432 / 8 = 54
about 2 hrs and 20 minutes
The front end estimate is 60. But estimating a single number, in isolation and without context is a complete waste of time. If I had to add 64.59 to 1 trillion, I would estimate it as 0. If I had to add 64.59 to 0.0000000001, I might use the number as given - not an estimate.Also, if I had to divide by 13, for example, I would estimate it as 65 since 65/13 = 5.If I had to divide by 16, I would use 64 because 64/16 = 4.
You would write it as XDIIImproved Answer:-It is: 152 = CLII which means 100+50+1+1 = 152.
I guess you would figure it out by estimating.
There are many things one might use building estimating software for. One might use building estimating software to sketch floor plans and estimate costs.
For plain water, 152 pounds would be 18.2 US gallons.
152 inches is "12 feet and 8 inches".
I would not recommend estimating 1-digit numbers.