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No. The biggest possible obtuse angle is one that's a hair less than 180 degrees.

Bisect that, and each half is the biggest possible ACUTE angle.

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Q: If you bisect an obtuse angle you get 2 obtuse angles Right?
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Show you a 67.5 degree angle?

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Sometimes it has an obtuse angle. If it is just a parallelogram or a rhombus, then it has two obtuse angles.\. If it is also a rectangle or a square, then it has four right angles.

How do you bisect an obtuse angle?

In the same way that you bisect an acute triangle. Alternatively, you could extend one of the rays of the obtuse angle so that you have an acute angle. Bisect that angle and then draw a perpendicular to the bisector of the acute angle through the vertex.

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It is a right angle

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Right Angle, Acute Angle, and Obtuse Angle