You can be either 42 years old (if your birthday has already occurred in 2009), or 41 years old (if you have not had your birthday yet in 2009).
If your dog was born on August 5, 2009 he would have been 4 months and 3 weeks (20 weeks) old on December 23, 2009.
You would be considered to be 27, as it is now July 2009, but you would 28 in August 2009.
2009-1967 = 42 (unless their birthday in 2009 was still to come - in which case, they would be 41 until then).
17 years old !!!!!! 17 years old !!!!!! 18 years old !!!!!!!!!!! 2009
If you already had your birthday in August 2012 then you are 45 years old.
In August 2009 you will be 62 years old.
Joe Rogan was born on August 11, 1967
On August 27, 2009, you turned 13.
37. don't you have a calculator?
You can be either 42 years old (if your birthday has already occurred in 2009), or 41 years old (if you have not had your birthday yet in 2009).
Brian stack was born on August 18, 1967.He is 42 years old
If your dog was born on August 5, 2009 he would have been 4 months and 3 weeks (20 weeks) old on December 23, 2009.
That would be your 42nd birthday.
As of Today, August 27th 2009, you would be 19 years old.
You would be considered to be 27, as it is now July 2009, but you would 28 in August 2009.