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Q: If you double the radius of a sphere does its surface area also double?
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What is the radius of a sphere?

A radius of a sphere is the distance from its centre to its surface. It is also half of the diameter. If you know the circumference of a circle, you can calculate its radius. Circumference divided by Pi divided by 2 = radius.

The surface area for a sphere is four times the product of pie and the square of the radius?

You are correct my friend! Surface Area of a Sphere is indeed = 4(pi)r^2 and that is also equal to Circumference times Diameter!

What is the motion around the central point?

It will be the surface area of a sphere but it depends on the distance from the center to a certain point, also known as the radius.

What is the motion around a central point?

It will be the surface area of a sphere but it depends on the distance from the center to a certain point, also known as the radius.

When the diameter of a sphere is decreased by 25 percent by what per cent does its curved surface area decrease?

Surface area, S.A., of a sphere with radius r equals to 4pir2.Since the diameter is decreased by 25%, the radius is also decreased by 25%.That is r - 0.25r = 0.75r.So that S.A. = 4pi(0.75r)2 = 2.25pir2

What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 12 units?

The volume of a sphere with a radius of 12 units is: 7,238 units3The answer above is correct but the answer ALSO can be 2304 units3

Why isn't the surface of a hemisphere not half the surface area of a sphere?

The surface area of a semicircle has the round surface which is half a sphere and also has the flat surface which is a circle.

What is the volume of a sphere with the center 13?

The centre of a sphere does not provide enough information. You also need its diameter or radius.

How do you find the area of a sphere?

4 * pi * radius * radius or (pi * diameter * diameter) / 3 Also ( 4 * 3.14 * radius squared ) Also ( 88/7 * radius squared )

How do you calculate this a right circular cone is inscribed in a hemisphere so that base of cone coincides with base of hemisphere what is the ratio of the height of cone to radius of hemisphere?

Suppose the radius of the sphere is R. The base of the cone is the same as the base of the hemisphere so the radius of the base of the cone is also R. The apex of the cone is on the surface of the hemisphere above the centre of the base. That is, it is at the "North pole" position. So the height of the cone is also the radius of the sphere = R. So the ratio is 1.

Why does luminosity of the star depend on both its radius and surface?

If the radius is larger, the surface will also be larger. As a functional dependency, you only need one - the radius, or the surface - whatever.

How do you calculate radius of the circle when you do not have diameter?

Double the Radius to Calculate the Diameter.