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Q: If you draw a card at random from a stack of ten cards each labeled with a number from 1 through 10 then you draw a second card what is P 5 then 3?
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Why is a computer system time a good source of random seed values?

A computer cannot truly generate a random number because it needs a seed value. The system time is a good source for random numbers because it generates a random number every second. If you execute a program with a button that generates a random number based on the system time, every time you click the button it will generate a different number (assuming you didn't press it twice in the same second) because it changes second by second. Although, it seems that the system is generating a random value by using the system time, it really isn't. It is just using the specific time value as a seed.

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Srand (seed random ) is used to seed random numbers and is used before calling the rand() or the random number generator. Seeding random numbers ensures that each time the code is executed the number generated is completely random. srand requires one parameter. For most cases it is sufficient to make this parameter time(NULL) [remember to include time.h] as this will seed a new bunch of random number every second

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The number of wavelengths passing through a given point per second is determined by the frequency of the wave passing through that point. It is calculated using the formula: number of wavelengths = frequency of the wave.

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Yes. For example, consider rolling a die twice, with the random variable defined as the first outcome minus the second.

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The number of waves that pass through a given point per second is indicated by the frequency of the wave. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) and represents the number of wave cycles per second.

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Light travels through space at 299,792,458 meters per second ... cleverly labeled the "speed of light" ... regardless of where it originates or what direction it takes.

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Acceleration is typically labeled as "a" and is measured in units of meters per second squared (m/sĀ²) in the International System of Units (SI). It can also be expressed in centimeters per second squared (cm/sĀ²) in some cases.

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It means The Second for example Random Guy II is Random Guy The Second. It is another name for Jr. For example Random Guy Jr. can be Random Guy II AA: Sometimes it is used if you have the same name as your grandfather. It distinguishes you from your grandfather. (There is a Davy Crocket VII)

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The number of waves passing through a given point during one second is known as the frequency of the wave. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz represents one wave passing through a point per second.