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If you take a single sheet and fold it in half 8 times, the pack will have 64 layers.

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Q: If you fold a piece of paper 8 times how many sections will the sheet have?
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If a piece of paper is folded 9 times how many sections will there be?

It's physically impossible to fold a piece of paper more than 7 times.

If you fold a piece of paper in half 9 times how many sections would there be?


How many times can a piece of a4 paper be folded in half?

Any size sheet of paper can only be folded in half 7 times.

How many sections will there be if you fold a paper in half 4 times?

If you fold a piece of paper in half 4 times, there will be 16 sections. Each time you fold the paper in half, the number of sections doubles. So, if you start with 1 section and fold it in half 4 times, you will end up with 16 sections.

If you could fold a piece of paper 20 times how many sections would there be?

1048576 2 to the power of 20 is 1048576

How many times do you need to fold a piece of paper to form 8 equal sections?

3 times 1st step is fold paper in half 2nd fold it again in half and 3rd fold it a third time in half. open it an u get eight equal sections

How many square inches could you cut out of a piece of 11 x 14 sheet of paper?

If the paper is in inches then 11 times 14 = 154 square inches

Leo folded a piece of paper in half a certain amount of times When unfolded the paper was divided into three sections How many times did Leo fold the paper?

The answer is 3...he folded it 3 times. Here is how to solve. One fold gives you two sections...1x2=2; each time you fold it doubles the amount of sections, so take your first answer...2...and multiply that by 2. 2x2=4. keep multiplying your answer by 2 until you get to the desired number of sections. 4x2=8.

If you could fold a piece of paper 30 times how tall would it be?

It would be higher than the himayala mountain because everytime you fold a sheet of paper it will be double the size of itself.

If you fold paper 9 times how many sections will you get?

Impossible question to answer. No piece of paper can be folded more than seven times. Most, no more than 5. Depending on how you fold, anywhere from 10 to 512 with the limitation implied above.

If you fold a piece of paper in half 50 times how tall would it be?

You can't fold a piece of paper 50 times

How big is a 2 times 1 piece of paper?

If the single sheet is 8 1/2 X 11 inches, it makes an 11 X 17 inch paper when you put 2 together.