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Q: If you get 9.6 cgpa then what will be your percentage?
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How do you convert CGPA-9.6 to percentage?

CGPA 9.6 means you got 435 to 480 marks out of 500. This means you scored a percentage between 87 and 96(it can be anything between 87% and 96%). But in order to keep an average in all CGPA range, we simply multiply CGPA by 9.5. By this method your got 91.2%, at an average.

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How do you convert cgpa to percentage for vit university 2009-2012 batch?

To convert CGPA to percentage for VIT University 2009-2012 batch, you can use the formula: Percentage = (CGPA - 0.75) * 10. So, if you have a CGPA of 8.5, the equivalent percentage would be (8.5 - 0.75) * 10 = 77.5%.

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How calculate cgpa percentage

How do you convert CGPA to percent?


How do you convert Anna university CGPA to percentage?

Since Anna university follows 10-point grading system, CGPA*8.82=Equivalent percentage. Eg: If CGPA is 9.00, then the equivalent percentage = 9.00*8.82=79.4% Refer "Easycalculation's CGPA Calculator" to convert CGPA to Percentage.

What is the CGPA?

CGPA = cumulative grade point averageThe CGPA is the average of grade points obtaind in all subjects excluding additional subjects as per Scheme of studies. An indicative equivalence of Grade point and percentage of marks can be computed asSubject wise indicative percentage of marks =9.5 X GP of the subjectsOverall indicative percentage of marks =9.5 X CGPA

How do you convert cgpa as uptu rule?

To convert CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to percentage as per UPTU (Uttar Pradesh Technical University) rules, you can multiply the CGPA by 10 to get the approximate percentage. For example, if your CGPA is 8.5, the equivalent percentage would be 85%.

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