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Well you could be most any animal, except for animals like centipedes, or aquatic animals. You could also be a chair.

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Q: If you got 2 legs and 2 arms what are you?
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Do squirrels have 4 legs or 2 arms and 2 legs?

2 arms and 2 legs

How many arms and legs do penguins have?

2 arms and 2 legs

Have all mammals got four legs?

No. If you look at a whale, it is a mammal but it has a tail and fins and a monkey has 2 arms and 2 legs scientifically classified.

How many legs does two monkey have?

each monkey has 2 legs and 2 arms, making a total of 4 legs and 4 arms :)

What's got no arms no legs and can't swim?

a brick!

How many arms and legs does Squidward from SpongeBob SquarePants have?

Six. 2 arms and 4 legs.

How many legs kangaroo have?

2 legs, 2 arms or 4 limbs.

How many legs does a grizzly bear have?

4 limbs, (2 arms, 2 legs) .

Is the cat has 2 legs?

cats you have to add the s

How mant legs do monkeys have?

they hhave 2 legs unless you count there arms as legs then 4

How can I ride a bicycle if I don't have any arms or legs?

Have arms, but no legs - use a handcycle where you turn the cranks with your hands. Have legs, but no arms - use a waist-steered recumbent. If you haven't got either, well possibly you can be strapped into the seat of a tandem, but that's about it.

How many legs does a sandcrab have?

eight legs, and 2 large feeding arms