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26 divided by 12

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Q: If you had 2612 dollars how much money would that be in dollars and cents (rounded by the nearest penny)?
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If you had 2612 dollars how much money would that be in dollars and cents rounded to the nearest penny?

$2612.00 dollars

Why can money only be rounded to the nearest hundredth?

25 cents is written as 0.25 Money doesn't extend past the second decimal place. (hundredths)

How do you round to the nearest cents for money?

"Cents" is two decimal places. Round to the nearest hundredths.

Why are there 2 numerals after the decimal?

If something was specified to be rounded to the nearest hundredth or you are keeping track of significant digits, then you could end up with two digits after the decimal point. An example would be money (dollars and cents). Intermediate calculations may have more than 2 digits after the decimal, but then the amount of money is rounded to the nearest cent (0.01). A specific example that I can think of would be sales tax calculations. Another would be produce or meat, which is sold by the pound, so if something is 99 cents per pound, and it is 1.32 pounds, the price is $1.3068, which is rounded to $1.31.

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How would you round 39.045 to the nearest cent?

A cent will be on the hundredths place so 39.045 rounded to the hundredths is 39.05. If it is money it will be $39.05 dollars

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How much money do you make each week if you make 50000 dollars gross per year?

50000 (dollars) /52 (weeks in the year) =961.538462 dollars per week, rounded to 961 dollars and 54 cents. Therefore; $961.54

What is money called in Alaska?

Dollars and cents.

What is the name of Fijian Money?

dollars& cents

The name of Australian money?

Dollars and cents >

What money do Americans ue?

Dollars and Cents